Wednesday, December 3, 2008

(W16.1) BEH Entry #2: Mentally Wiped

Five hours of Anatomy and Physiology has a way of taxing me mentally. So much so that anything school related was the last thing on my mind when I got home.

8:30pm- I took the dog for a walk, the evening was surprisingly warmer then half the evenings last month. My mind was still racing from class. In an average class we go over about two hundred terms that you have to remember, by the end of it you remember more of the jokes to lighten the mood then the actual information.

9:00- I put in one of my old classics, Constantine. Sure the movie was released in 2005 five, but it was in the days when I devoured movies. The movie is based of a comic series,(skip the rest of the paragraph if you plan to watch it.) the one thing that I liked about it most, is that almost every line is a foreshadow to what will happen later on in the movie. I have seen it enough times so that I know when my favorite lines and scenes are coming up, but when I watched it last night I was looking for what lines drew a picture of something else later on. I found humor in some of the lines because it either told what would happen, or it told the opposite of what would happen. People have told me that it is a boring movie, I can see why they would say that. As the movie progresses it requires to to recall a lot of things that happened to be able to piece the story together, some of the details in the beginning explain the actions in the end; most of these defining details are one line of dialog.

11:00- The best thing about having the five hour A and P class, having a better understanding of one line in the latest episode of House. The show airs while the last hour of class is taking place, so I relay on the Digital Cable Box to tape it for me and I have to wait for my mother to stop using the TV it is attached to. Other then knowing that when RNs take your vitals, they look at your chest to take your normal breathing number, the class was not directly related to the episode.

12:00am- I spent an hour on one small piece of homework. Manly because while I was working on it I was getting my daily dose of the internet. I spent less then fifteen minutes on the actual piece of paper, but that was all it needed to get filled out; got to love the busy work, I thought I had gotten to the point where busy work was an option for those that gained from doing it. Truthful busy work places a sour taste in my mouth about actually learning the information. In a class that 80% of the information is in the lecture, I can ace without doing anything. In a class where 30% of the information is in the chapters and 70% is in the lecture, only 60% of the information sinks in; I relate this to the fact that when I see and hear the same information it is more likely to get remembered, and all of it is tested on.

1:00- Finished one painting, and start and finished another. When I was finished the second one I laid down on the floor and closed my eyes. I could feel my eyes moving, but if I put my hand one my eye lid they would not be moving. While I am painting I just move the brush and my eyes will try to line things up and match them to places around the painting, I was unaware my eyes could move that fast. I just got used to it while I was painting and lost track of it; it was like when I watch a movie everything but the TV fades away.

2:00- After I took time to let my eyes relax I read, my mind wandered. I figured that it might after a long day of thinking of topics that it normally would just except as facts and move on. Alan had a good point and somehow I retained all the information in the chapter without really paying attention to it. He discussed the topic of Celebrity, one of the biggest reasons I do not want to be a famous author. To be an author is my goal, to make it what I live on is a goal; to have people mailing me because they want me to give them the meaning of life, or they want to talk to me as though I was better then someone else, not my cup of tea.

The lessons learned from the battle of the evening.
1) Five hour lecture plus lab, is not how I learn in the least.
2) I have an amazing ability to focus on something
3) A pseudonym will suit me just fine in my writing career


johngoldfine said...

Mentally wiped spoke to my condition--I know students are not all that sympathetic to teachers' problems, but I've been working 7 day weeks for a couple of weeks, solid 6 or 8 or 10 hour days, minimal exercise--just dealing with the flood of student stuff I have.

This evening when I wanted to read isearches for online students, I found myself instead digging out something I sent to a student weeks ago but which the student had never opened and now found he/she could not open it so I re-sent, only to find that the email addie would still not let student open so I had to post to a blog site but lost all the highlighting and red lettering I needed so had to go in and add html italics and blah blah blah, one frippin thing after another --basically 20 minutes of semi-pointless stuff I could have handled in ten seconds in a live class. I was ready to scream when my dogs needed to be let out. One more distraction!

I offer all this in tribute and compliment to your similarly detailed and intricate description of class and its aftermath. Instead of commenting on the writing, I'm letting the writing stimulate my own never-far-distant impulse to write instead of critique. Hope you'll pardon my undisciplined self-indulgence, but, you see, I'm mentally wiped....

nkassigned08 said...

Indulge away. I actually just got done turning my Arent we All Submission from the rtf. format to word format, an easy task for most. I had to go use school computer, and every time I saved the changed document it would be in a location that I just could not find. After a while of trying to find a location that existed in one place but not the other, I remembered it that I could just save it to the desktop... you will find out why it slipped my mind in the next entry.

Unknown said...

"warmer then" -> "warmer than" :)