Monday, December 1, 2008

(W16.1) Battle of the Evening Hours (BEH) Entry #0

The end of the fall semester. Normally I would only worry about making sure all of my course work was done, but this year I have a few other things to fill up my evening hours. Maybe I will be forced to only do homework. Though I am pretty sure that I will be temped to stray until the last minute, and pump out work that is sup-par.

There is a list of activities that are battling for the few hours of evening between school and sleep, or work and sleep.

1.) Finish all of the work necessary for my four classes.
2.) Paint a painting for everyone on my X-mas list. I am going on a week long vacation after the semester ends. And all the days between the end of my vacation and Christmas itself are days that I will have to work, the dreaded black out days.
3.) Write for myself, I am trying to get myself going on all the projects that I have thought up over the last two years.
4.) Read to relax. This normally fits in every night, but varies from 20 minutes to two hours.
5.) Spend time with friends and family. This is a fluctuating thing that changes based on availability and necessity.
6.) Wasting time on the internet or watching television. The Great American Struggle, spend hours instantly gratifying the mind with noise and moving pictures, or progress as a person.

This Journal will follow me through the events that won the battle of the evening hours.


1 comment:

johngoldfine said...

Sounds like a plan--I like the set-up, the list, the close: for an entry it feels complete and freestanding, while also pointing to things to come.