Monday, November 10, 2008

(W12) Personals

Brief Description: Recently 21, 5'8" 230 lbs. Brown hair, brown eyes. goatee.

Likes: Walking, my dog, painting, live music, romantic comedies, talking, reading narrative history books, plays, musicals.

Dislikes: Horror movies, Pop Culture Icons, Sports, the lack of music on MTV and MTV 2.

Looks for in the opposite sex: Self confidence, defined character, goal oriented, can laugh at themselves, open minded, not afraid to speak their mind (especially if what is on their mind is a outlandish idea thought up for no purpose.)

About self: Works part time at a dead end job to pay for full time college. Lives at home with his mom and dog. Plans to be a writer of books in a few different genres. Has a uniquely attained sense of optimism that holds its own in the toughest of trails. Doesn't drive, prefers walking.


johngoldfine said...

All that's missing is 'ISO eternal soulmate, NS only.'

This certainly is a pastiche of such an ad--that is to say, it sounds very ture-to-life. The assignment is not quite that, though: looking for a piece that has your sound, whereas this has the sound down perfectly of one of those personal ads.

I'm not complaining, mind you. Nicely done.

nkassigned08 said...

Yeah, I figured it would not fit the assignment fully, but you always say use the prompts as a spring board.

I was planning on doing another week 12 piece.