Saturday, November 8, 2008

(W12) Gazebo

A small glint of light could be seen in his eyes, a reflection of a street light off a boat on the river. He sat there atop the picnic table inside the gazebo, a leash held in his right hand. The tricolored beagle sheltie sniffing the cold cement pulling at the other end of the leash trying to follow a scent.

Headlights enter into the pier's parking lot. The man made a tuts and motions for the dog to sit and stay. His eyes squinted and widened as he tried to focus the car into his vision. The car stopped under the lights, the blue lights mounted on the top of the car where on mistakable.

The mans chest began to pound and his breath increased. The cop got out of the car and went the other direction, toward the restrooms. The man sat still holding the leash tight, the cop returned and flashed his flashlight over to the gazebo, the light struck the mans eyes, the cop stopped for a second.

The flashlight beam moved along the ground and went off, the cop got back into his car and it just sat there for ten minutes. The man peering over from time to time to see if the cop was going to come over. The engine revved and the car left the parking lot.

He breathed in deeply and shook the leash and the man and dog walked from the gazebo and disappeared from view on the other side of the parking lot.


1 comment:

johngoldfine said...

This is the kind of piece that works very well for me--simple vignette, visual, cinematic, controlled, not requiring explanation.